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The surname and people who share it

Wedding of Jo and Sean
Sean and Jo were married at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne, on 23rd August, 2003.
The bride was attended by her sister, Cheryl, her sister in law, Lisa and, unusually, by a bridesman, her brother Mark
Lisa, Tricia (the bride's mother) and Cheryl
Proud parents of the bride
Did you remember to tell Andy about that pot-hole?
Are you sure this is where Os dropped the ring?
The bride's mother, the photographer and the bride's grandfather, who have evidently lost something .
You are supposed to be pretending
What foresight to co-ordinate with the curtains
The morning after the wedding, the couple returned to their home before jetting off on honeymoon to Thailand
Jo left from the couple's house in Eastbourne and arrived, just a dignified few minutes late, at the hotel, where Sean and his two Best Men had stayed over night.
The Groom was assisted by two Best Men, Andrew and Os. Andrew and Os are Sean's long-time friends, fellow students and, until recently, flat-mates.
The Groom and his Best Men needed these sticks after a good night at Maxime's
The Groom's father, John, flew from America with his wife, Claire, and Sean's brother, Paul, to help Jo and Sean celebrate their wedding.
Ms Harriet Adie played for the guests before the service, between the service and the wedding breakfast, and at the wedding breakfast.
The couple with three generations of Jo's family
Is this a good time to tell you that Andy and Os are coming on the honeymoon?

The cake was made and decorated by Jo's Nan.


Just use the knife - they don't have scalpels in hotels


Following the wedding breakfast, the couple went to Beachy Head, where Sean suddenly remembered the way he should have done it the first time
It's a bit late for that now, Sean
Pleeeeeeeease can I have my stick back?

The Best Men and two more of Sean's friends, Chris and Omar, every one of them a doctor, entranced by Sean's account of the night before ....

.............or were they watching Jackanory ... Jackanory ...

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