Pictures of Titherlys Walter Ronald Korben David Roy Stephen Scott Gordon Sam Orlanda Jo Sacha Cheryl Lisa Tricia Grace Mark Doug Neil Flt Lt  WJ Tytherleigh Elouise

The surname and people who share it

Christmas baby for Jo and Sean

Boxing Day is traditionally the day for receiving Christmas presents. Sean and Jo enjoyed a gift no money can buy when baby Elouise arrived at two minutes after 9 on Boxing Day evening.

Jo & Sean with Elouise

Perhaps unusually these days, neither Sean nor Jo knew the gender of their baby until Elouise arrived. The other details are in the table.

The numbers

Birth Day

26th December 2004
Time 9.02 pm
Length 53cm
Birth weight 7lb 2oz
Weight at 19 days 8lb 9oz

Jo was enjoying Boxing Day lunch with the rest of the family but sensed that the next meal time would be determined by someone she had yet to meet.

Sure enough, Jo and Sean were in the Delivery Suite at Eastbourne District Hospital before coffee was served.

The proud father-to-be was with Jo throughout and was still there to cut the cord. Delivering a baby between lunch and dinner may seem quick to some, but we are sure Jo thought it was plenty long enough.

Congratulations to Jo and Sean. We wish the new family all the very best.

Watch this space for more news of Elouise.

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