Pictures of Titherlys Walter Ronald Korben David Roy Stephen Scott Gordon Sam Orlanda Jo Sacha Cheryl Lisa Tricia Grace Mark Doug Neil Flt Lt  WJ Tytherleigh Elouise

The surname and people who share it

Ronald celebrates his 80th birthday

Ronald Titherly celebrated his 80th birthday on 8th March, 2003.

Ron was born in London on 8th March 1923. He also lived in Hampshire and then in Eastbourne, where he met his wife, June, during the war years, and stayed until the late 1960s.

The family moved to Mickleham, Surrey, where, following retirement from work in London, Ron ran the machine knitting club and became the village 'paper boy'.
Ron with his younger sister, Doreen
Ron and June recently moved back to Eastbourne where many members of four generations of his family also live.
Ron with his 'baby' brother, Doug
His family, including children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren gave a surprise party with traditional family entertainment to help Ron celebrate his 80th birthday
Blabba rework 'Money, Money, Money'
into a special rendition of 'Grandad, Grandad, Grandad'

Sadly, Ron lost his brave fight against cancer on 23rd January, 2004.

The 'Mad Arab' magician - alias son Roy - fails to amputate the birthday boy's finger during his magic and comedy spot

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