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David Flies with the Blue Eagles and Air Sea Rescue

The Blue Eagles are the Army Air Corps helicopter display team. They display at air shows and military events in a Lynx and four Gazelle helicopters.

David was invited to fly in the Lynx in his capacity as 'webmaster' (or web site designer) for a web site that publishes details of the country's main air shows.

The crew of the Blue Eagles are all Army Aviation Intructors but they fly as volunteers in their own time.
Blue Eagles displaying at Eastbourne
Approaching Beachy Headin the Lynx
The Blue Eagles were displaying at Airbourne, Eastbourne's free international airshow, held every August. They are based at Shoreham for the four days of the show. The 45 minute flight went from Shoreham to Eastbourne, along the coast and hovered off shore for photo opportunities before returning to Shoreham.
The missile silos were empty
Switching straight from the Lynx to a Chinook, the very recognisable twin-rotor helicopter, it was back to the Eastbourne display line.
Chinook at Shoreham airport
As the team who usually display at shows were busy elsewhere, the crew of a Chinook from RAF Odiam conducted the role-play, landing a crew member onto a dinghy and then recovering him from a lifeboat. "We don't usually do displays, but nothing happens in the display that we don't do in a day's work" co-pilot Hannah Brown told David.
Pilots Ed Towell and Hannah Brown with the rest of the Chinook crew
Seats for take-off before heading with a camera for that open door at the front.
The Chinook crew in action at Airbourne
Unusual view of the pier through the open tail of the Chinook
Over Pevensey, with the air show display line in the distance

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